IOST is a new generation of
high-performance public blockchain
focusing on
performance and
developer friendliness.
Why IOST Blockchain?
The infrastructure is scalable and stable. After the launch of IOST mainnet in 2019, developers have made a lot of great Dapps on the IOST smart contract platform.
Ultra-fast Response Time
IOST offers 0.5 second per block (vs 15-17 seconds/block on Ethereum), 29.5 seconds finality (vs 170 seconds on Ethereum)
Cheap Fee
Stake coins offers free gas to pay for transaction fees
Smooth Developers Experience
V8 JavaScript smart contract language is widely popular to developers
High Scalability
IOST network can hold up to 8,000 transactions per second
Stable Network
IOST network has zero downtime since its mainnet launch in 2019
We sincerely welcome..
We sincerely welcome developers to IOST technology community & Developer Slack Community
Blockchain Education Program
IOST jointly hosted a 2-day “Education x Blockchain” HIVEHack hackathon with the well-known private university Kindai, Japan
IOST has become a partner of the University of Zurich Blockchain Center
IOST CTO Terry Wang gave an online lecture on blockchain and IOST to the students of the Zurich University Summer Blockchain School
IOST CTO delivered a tech talk at the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Japan
IOST partner started regular hosting of the free online hands-on blockchain beginner classes, Japan
IOST CTO Terry Wang gave an online lecture on blockchain and IOST to the students of the Zurich University Summer Blockchain School
IOST co-hosted a two-day hackathon HiveHack 2021 with Kindai University, Japan